RFN-NJ has education stipends available to HU farmers to expand their knowledge of regenerative agriculture.
What is eligible under the stipend?
See below for a list of eligible expenses. Expenses should go directly towards learning about regenerative farm practices that protect the natural resources, water quality, and soil health.
Trainings, conferences, workshops, field days, farm tours, working groups or committees, courses that expand your knowledge and participation in regenerative agriculture (this does not have to be an NJ RC&D or RFN-NJ event).
Up to $150 to help cover fees, time, travel, child care or labor coverage for half-day or shorter events.
Up to $300 to cover fees, time, travel, child care or labor coverage for full day events.
Up to $600 to attend a multi-day conference to assist with fees, time, travel, child care or labor coverage, and lodging.
Up to $600 for courses and books.
What is required?
This stipend is available for RFN-NJ members. If you haven't joined yet, feel free to apply and the RFN-NJ project coordinator will check your membership status upon receiving the stipend application.
Fill out the short application form for an event you are interested in attending.
If approved, you will receive an agreement letter and W-9 form to sign and an expense sheet to fill out.
A check will be mailed for the agreed stipend amount.
Provide invoices/receipts for the event. Photo documentation if applicable.
How to apply? Follow the link below to the application:
Not sure what HU is? Learn more below:
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) categorizes historically underserved (HU) farmers and ranchers as those who are beginner, limited resource, socially disadvantaged, or veteran farmers and ranchers.
Limited resource farmer or rancher (gross farm sales are less than the current indexed value in each of the previous two years & total household income is below the poverty level)
Socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher (American Indians or Alaskan Natives, Asians, Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders)
Veteran farmer or rancher (who first obtained status as a veteran during the most recent 10-year period OR has not operated a farm or ranch for more than 10 years and was not dishonorably released from service)
Beginner farmer or rancher (not operated a farm for more than 10 consecutive years)
RFN-NJ is funded through an NRCS Equity in Conservation Cooperative Agreement grant.