August 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24, and 31st
Northern Pennsylvania
& New Jersey
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86218096703?pwd=TkdKWmRuZzRlS0poWGg0R3p5eHVSUT09
Meeting ID: 862 1809 6703
Password: 210253
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86218096703?pwd=TkdKWmRuZzRlS0poWGg0R3p5eHVSUT09
Meeting ID: 862 1809 6703
Password: 210253
August 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, and September 1st
Southern New Jersey,
Delaware& Maryland
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88429983463?pwd=TkhzY2RBcmI4UFNGc1lyN2VoK2E4dz09
Meeting ID: 884 2998 3463
Password: 757822
August 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, and September 2nd
Southeastern /
Central Pennsylvania
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87450822498?pwd=WGE1anFIS09YVXF2cnk1ZkxIa2lRdz09
Meeting ID: 874 5082 2498
Password: 129791
Underpinning the work of SARE are theories that education can lead people (in our case, farmers and agricultural service providers) to positive new actions or changes in behavior. Changes sought by SARE are ones that can improve conditions for farmers and farm communities in ways that contribute to greater sustainability.
The SARE Professional Development Grant Program uses an outcome funding approach to describe the changes in practices, behaviors or conditions that occur as a result of the project.
We need project participants to record how these training impacted their capacity to work with and assist farmers.
A Practical Guide No-till and Cover Crops in the Mid-Atlantic
Week 1
Read Two Chapters of "A Practical Guide to No-till and Cover Crops"
No-till Basics​ (Pages 12 - 23)
Successful Transition to No-till (Pages 24 - 55)
Record three important facts or tips that you believe should be highlighted on a one-page factsheet for farmers about preparation for no-till. Submit Answers Here
Watch two of the following short you-tube videos
Week 2
Read Two Chapters of "A Practical Guide to No-till and Cover Crops"
Components & Retrofits​ (Pages 56 - 87)
Troubleshooting No-till (Pages 88 - 97)
Complete a short quiz.
Watch two of the following short you-tube videos
Week 3
Read One Chapter of "A Practical Guide to No-till and Cover Crops"
Seed Species and Selection (Pages 100 - 115)
Complete a short quiz
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepssC-uXqHuelWDpN9rU22oZVJ1m6--83bdb-0RsXTK0hwlA/viewform?usp=sf_link -
Watch two of the following short you-tube videos
Week 4
Read Two Chapters of "A Practical Guide to No-till and Cover Crops"
Cover Crop Application (Pages 116 - 141)
Cover Crop Termination (142 - 167)
Watch two of the following short you-tube videos
Planting Corn in 60-in. Row-Widths for Interseeding Cover Crops - Farmer-Led Research
Using the roller-crimper system with early planted emerged organic soybean - Standalone Unit
Grazing Cover Crops: Why Row Crop Farmers Should Welcome Grazing
Grazing Cover Crops: How to Graze Livestock on Another Farmer's Row Crops
The guide "A Practical Guide to No-till and Cover Crops in the Northeast" was created for this course. Our goal is to publish the book and provide it as a reference to farmers in the coming year.
Yours is the first edition, and by no means perfect. We are interested in your feedback, advice, and comments. If you would like to add a suggestion, make a comment or contribute your own "Expert Tip" please Use the review software, GoVisually, to make comment.
It is hard to find good, high-quality images of farming practices in the northeast! If you have a photo you think would be perfect for inclusion in the book, use the form below to upload the image.
Your content has been submitted
Title | Contents |
Evaluation of Cool Season
Cover Crops in the
Northeast Region | Plant Materials Centers (PMCs) in Beltsville, MD; Big Flats, NY; and Alderson, WV conducted
a 2-year evaluation of 56 commercially available varieties of cereal rye, hairy vetch, crimson
clover, red clover, winter/field pea, black oats, black seeded oats, and daikon radish to assess
their adaptation and performance as cover crops in the Northeast PMC region. |
Tech Tips for Drills in No-till
| Expata Solutions Guide to Drills |
Tech Tips for Planters in No-till | Expata Solutions Guide to Planters |
FINAL REPORT: Crediting cover crops and soil organic matter in a variable rate nitrogen fertilizer prescription | Report from Chalie white about crediting cover crops and soil organic matter in a variable rate nitrogen fertilizer prescription
Graphical Interface to Determine Cover Crop and Soil Organic Matter N Credits | This nitrogen fertilizer recommendation tool is currently under research and this interface is provided for educational purposes only. The recommendations need to be validated through further field experimentation. |
Pequea Planter | Source for corn planter parts & attachments -- particularly small implements designed to be horse drawn. |
Agricultural Conservation Leasing | Great resource for developing conservation-forward leases between landowners and farmers |
No-till vegetables: harnessing the power of cover crops | Website with good information about how to add cover crops to vegetable systems |