North Jersey RC&D has been awarded $740,000 through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Water Quality Restoration (WQR) Grant Program.
WQR grants are administered by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Environmental Analysis, Restoration, and Standards within the Division of Water Monitoring and Standards. This grant program is part of a statewide nonpoint source management program, highlighting key actions taken by the DEP and its partners to control nonpoint source pollution and to restore water quality throughout New Jersey. As part of its approach, the DEP produces a comprehensive assessment of the entire state every ten years in order to support measures to restore, maintain, and enhance water quality as effectively and efficiently as possible. The Delaware River Watershed, North Jersey RC&D’s service area, is addressed in the 2018 and 2020 cycle of this assessment process.
This funding will support New Jersey RC&D’s work on three assistance opportunities that target farmers and are designed to improve and protect water quality within priority watersheds in northwestern New Jersey. Specifically, funding will assist technical and financial implementation of best management practices (BPMs) that support structural water quality improvements. Funding will also support no-till and cover crop implementation, as well as targeted in-field soil health assessments and educational workshops aimed at instructing farmers on nutrient management and soil health.