North Jersey RC&D
Supporting Farmers
Protecting Water Quality
Through grant funding, North Jersey RC&D has created opportunities for NJ farmers in certain counties and watersheds to receive funding for projects and practices that support clean water and healthy soils. The AgAssist Cost-Share Program offers 75-95% reimbursement (dependent on practice and applicant historically underserved status) up to $15,000. Reimbursement can be applied towards supplies and expenses required to implement a variety of best management practices. Farm location will determine opportunities available.
WHO IS NORTH JERSEY RC&D: We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to working through partnerships and with farmers towards agricultural sustainability and water resource protection.
WHAT IS FUNDED: Opportunities for funding up to $15,000 are available towards livestock exclusion fence, rotational grazing fencing and supplies, roof run-off structures, waterways, diversions, vegetated treatment areas, composting systems, cover crop seed, and/or small manure storage. See below for more information.
HOW IT WORKS: North Jersey RC&D will review applications, sign agreements with selected applicants, and provide a partial reimbursement (% determined by practice and HU status) contingent upon participants supplying appropriate receipts and any other requirements as specified in the cost-share agreement.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Eligibility and opportunities are based on farm location.
​​Livestock Farmers within the counties of the North Jersey RC&D Service Area (Hunterdon, Warren, Sussex, Morris, Somerset, and Union); and
All farmers within certain Delaware River watersheds (portions of Musconetcong, Lopatcong, Pequest, Pohatcong, Harihokake, Nishisakawick, Lockatong, Wickecheoke, and Alexauken subwatersheds). Please reference map below.
HOW TO APPLY: Complete the online application at the bottom of this form. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and batch processed monthly.
HOW WILL APPLICATIONS BE RANKED? Applications will receive ranking based on:
Impact to water quality;
Highly erodible land (HEL) determination;
Past funding received; and
Historically underserved status.
HOW IS THIS FUNDED?: The AgAssist Cost-Share Program is made possible through grants awarded to North Jersey RC&D. Current grant funding is made available from the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Delaware River Restoration Fund.
Areas Eligible for Funding
Areas eligible for funding are highlighted on the map below. Eligibility for opportunities is based on farm location. Search for your address using the search bar to determine if your farm is within the focus areas.
Pink/Light Red areas =Watershed focus areas (All farmers eligible)
Blue counties = RC&D Service Area, Hunterdon, Warren, Sussex, Morris, Somerset, and Union (Livestock farmers eligible)
Funding Opportunities
The North Jersey RC&D AgAssist Cost-Share program has a wide variety of opportunities, each with its own separate funding conditions. Applicants may apply to multiple opportunities but are capped at $15,000 per farm.
Reimbursement rates are dependent on the practice and historically underserved (HU) status. If you are unsure if you qualify for HU status, please visit https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/getting-assistance/underserved-farmers-ranchers to learn more.
Reimbursement is contingent on field verification and participants supplying appropriate receipts. Participants must be willing to work with North Jersey RC&D staff to create field maps, provide photos of practice implementation, and submit a brief summary of lessons learned from implementing the practice.

Exclusion Fence
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 90% of total costs (HU Rate: 95%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $15,000
Permanent exclusion fence that is directly adjacent to a waterway and excludes livestock from the waterway. Intended for existing paddocks that do not already exclude waterways or whose fence is deteriorating.
Fences shall be installed 35’ or greater from the stream bank. Exceptions may apply for existing exclusion fence that needs replacing.
Eligible expenses may include:​
Contractor fees towards Installation
Fencing materials, Braces, Gates, and Latches.
Water troughs.

Rotational Grazing Fence & Essential Supplies
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 75% of total costs (HU Rate 90%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $5,000
Participants must agree to rotate animals based on a grazing plan and have, or be working on, an Animal Waste Management plan with NJDA or Rutgers Cooperative Extension. This opportunity is intended for existing animals, not for expansion.
Eligible expenses include:​
Temporary fence supporting improved rotational grazing.
Energizers, reels, fence posts, clips, etc. that are necessary for temporary fence installations within a rotational grazing model.
Water troughs.

Roof Run-off Structures
that divert water away from animal waste concentration areas to improve water quality.
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 75% of total costs (HU Rate 90%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $15,000
Participants must have design and maintenance plan approved prior to installation.
Eligible expenses include:​​
Gutters, downspouts, and outlets.

Waterways & Diversions
for moving water away from ag. waste systems, farmsteads, and other improvements.
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 75% of total costs (HU Rate 90%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $15,000
Participants must have design and maintenance plan approved prior to installation.
Eligible expenses include:​​
Construction, vegetative establishments, and outlets.

Vegetated Treatment Areas (VTAs)
to improve water quality by reducing loading of nutrients, pathogens, and other contaminants associated with manure and other wastes.
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 75% of total costs (HU Rate 90%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $15,000
Participants must have design and maintenance plan approved prior to installation.
Eligible expenses include:​​
Construction, vegetative establishments, and outlets.

Composting System or Small Manure Storage
to store manure or organic material, reduce water pollution potential, and allow the material to decompose into a final product to be spread at optimal times as a soil amendment.
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 75% of total costs (HU Rate 90%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $15,000
Participants must have design and maintenance plan approved prior to installation.
Eligible expenses include:​​​
Materials, construction and site preparation
Push walls, bins
Supplies for an Aerated Static Pile (ASP) composting system

Cover Crop Seed Expenses (up to 100 acres)
Reimbursement Rate: Based on the number of acres planted and type of cover crop (ie multi-species, single species).
Reimbursement Not to Exceed : 100 acres for cover cropping
Limited to participants within the Focus Area Watersheds.
Participants must plant cover crop at the specified time as per agreement stipulations, have proper germination, and allow cover crop to grow for the specified amount of time as determined in the agreement. Participants also must not be currently be enrolled in any federal programs towards cover crop on the same ground.
Eligible expenses for one-year only include:​
Single species cover crops; for producers wishing to plant a cereal rye fall cover crop, seed must be planted by November 15th. Consult North Jersey RC&D for other species’ planting dates.
$35/acre (HU $40/ac)
Multi-species cover crop; seeding mix must be planted by September 15th for a fall cover crop and must include a minimum of three species from at least two plant groups (ie, two small grains and a legume).
$45/acre (HU $50/ac)
Organic Cover Crop Seed; for producers wishing to plant a cereal rye fall cover crop, seed must be planted by November 15th. Consult North Jersey RC&D for other species’ planting dates.
$50/acre (HU $55/ac)

Soil Tests for Biological Assessments
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 75% of total costs (HU Rate 90%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $3,000 for the project
Limited to participants within the Focus Area Watersheds.
Participants must submit receipts and soil results. Participants are responsible for collecting and mailing their samples.
Eligible expenses include:​​
Soil tests that emphasize biological assessments and properties. Look for labs that run Haney Tests, Solvita, or CASH.
Soil sample shipping costs.

Windbreak/Riparian Buffer Establishment & Renovations
Reimbursement Rate: Up to 75% of total costs (HU Rate 90%)
Reimbursement Not to Exceed: $5,000
Limited to participants within the Focus Area Watersheds.
Participants must have planting and maintenance plan approved prior to installation. The participant is responsible for planting and maintenance of the windbreak/riparian buffer.
Eligible expenses include:​​
Vegetation and tree protection for riparian buffers or windbreaks.
Does NOT include assistance for invasive species removal or the removal of dead trees.
*Please note that the AgAssist Commitment Programs, Conservation Equipment Commitment and AgAssist Precision Ag Equipment Commitment, programs are completely separate from this AgAssist Cost-Share funding opportunity.
Funding Timeline
April-May 2023:
First round of applications will be processed. Thereafter, applications will be considered on a rolling basis and batch processed on a monthly basis as long as funding remains.
May 2023:
The first round of decisions will be made and applicants notified of their status via email.
After agreement letter is signed (TBD):
Applicants who receive a grant award can begin implementing their AgAssist practice after an agreement letter is signed. Implementation may include design, securing a contractor, purchasing eligible supplies, collecting and mailing soil samples, etc.
North Jersey RC&D will reimburse the grantee within 30 days of proper receipts being submitted unless other payment arrangements have been made.
After the completion of the practice:
Grantees submit a brief summary including:
a short write-up on the impact of AgAssist funding on their operation and any lessons learned,
photos documenting the practice implemented through AgAssist,
field maps documenting the fields benefiting from the practice. The grantee will work with NJ RC&D staff to create the maps.

Complete an application online to apply using the link above.
If you have questions or need help completing the application, please contact Sam Loscalzo at sloscalzo@northjerseyrcd.org or call North Jersey RC&D staff at (908) 574-5368
Our Partners
AgAssist is made possible through grant funding from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; New Jersey Department of Agriculture; and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
