North Jersey RC&D
Jan 10, 20193 min read

No-till farming (also called zero tillage or direct drilling) is a way of growing crops or pasture from year to year without disturbing the soil through tillage.
Seeds are planted using a no-till drill or no-till planter through last years residue and cover crops.
No-till is one of the key practices of soil health management systems. The benefits of no-till grow over time and spread far beyond your farm. With no-till, you can improve water quality by prevented erosion. Your soil structure will remain intact, able to absorb more water and handle heavy rain. No-till keeps your soil on your field and out of the watershed.
And if those aren’t enough reasons to “keep the stubble,” Sass proffers some bottom-line benefits for farmers, too: No-till will save you time and money. You’ll spend less time on your tractor. You’ll use less fuel. You’ll have less wear and tear on your equipment. No-till is a win-win for your soil and for your pocketbook.
Staff at North Jersey RC&D have experience helping farmers transition from conventional tillage to no-till. Contact us for a consultation.